While I was fortunate to get an ultra sound right away the same day I started spotting, it sadly didn't deliver happy news. The ultra sound technician was very kind and told me it looks like a healthy 5w 3d pregnancy and that 99% of the time when she sees this kind of thing the woman's dates are wrong. I'm not sure how she came up with that stat or why she felt the need to convince me I was wrong (ok maybe she didn't want an emotional mess on her hands) but I guess it was sweet, better to have hope than to be really negative about it?? Anyway, I knew my dates, I was temping when I got pregnant so I know when I ovulated and I got a positive HPT basically on the day we would have conceived if I was only 5 weeks which is impossible. Not to mention, we didn't DTD anytime in the vicinity of time that would have been required to create a baby of that age. My doc called Friday morning to confirm that my bloodwork also indicated hcg of somewhere in the 5000s (I can't remember exactly) which is consistent with a 5 week pregnancy. Knowing me well, she said that if I knew the dates were wrong then it was likely a blighted ovum and I would have what seemed like a very heavy period and then should be ok. Wait for one regular cycle then try again.
Anyway... Here comes some TMI for those that are squeamish.... I continued to spot through the weekend and it got a little heavier Sunday night. Monday morning was heavier again and not long after I got up I had to run to the washroom because I felt something come out and wasn't sure if it was a gush of blood or what... It was a large blood clot and sitting right in it was the gestational sac, still intact and full of fluid. It was larger than an inch in diameter. I couldn't see anything in it, not sure where the yolk sac was (the tech had shown it to me on the ultra sound, it must have been pretty tiny).
Now it's Wednesday... I'm still bleeding and I just want it to be done with already. It sucks to have to think about it all the time.