Thursday, April 24, 2014

Prepping for round two

We always knew we wanted to have our children about 2 years apart. Lately I've been very anxious to get started but for work reasons we really had to wait until May, at the earliest, to try. Having said that, it's been top of mind for a few months now. 

Here are some of the things I'm doing to prepare myself and my body for another pregnancy:

When I went back to work I cut back breastfeeding my son (then 11 months) to twice a day, morning and night. My doctor told me to keep nursing him at least until winter and cold and flu season ended. Shortly after he turned 13 months I felt like he was becoming less interested and like I was producing very little milk. He would nurse for maybe 2 1/2 minutes on each side and be done. Then I ended up having to take antibiotics that are not okay when breastfeeding... So I made the decision to just quit nursing at the beginning of April. I always wanted to stop a little before getting pregnant again so I could have my body to myself, at least briefly, before giving up control again. It felt like the right decision, I shed a few tears and my son never asked for it again! 

I've been taking prenatals since we were TTC#1. 

I've cut way back on my evening wine. I'm having maybe one or two glasses per MONTH. 

No more caffeinated coffee. Decaf and various herbal teas only.

Taking my iron supplements - I'm perpetually anemic.

Eating healthy! Drinking homo milk with my son (I can use the extra fat/calories).

And finally, charting!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TTC - Take Two

It's true... We're heading into round two of TTC. In thinking about it recently, I went back and read some of my posts from 2 years ago and feel really thankful that it's (somewhat) documented. So, here I am - writing again. Or at least I'm going to try to write again. 

Even having been through it once, it's amazing how similar my feelings and fears are around the TTC process. How long will it take? Can I actually get pregnant? Am I ovulating? But then it's magnified by - what if I can't? Knowing what a wonderful, magical, miraculous time pregnancy is, how it feels to bring another person - my person - into the world and watch them grow... WHAT IF I CAN'T DO THAT AGAIN? Because I really, really want to. At LEAST one more time. 

While I'm pretty healthy, I'm much less physically fit than I was last time. I'm thinner (which is probably too thin but have been eating plentiful, healthy meals and snacking whenever on whatever my heart desires). My thyroid acted up post-partum. It was mildly hyper for a while, then mildly hypo. Is it affecting my fertility? Will it cause a miscarriage? I'm over 30 now, so my fertility is decreasing and risks are increasing. 

I started charting again this month so that I can quell some of those fears. My cycle is a bit shorter recently which is kind of nice (more chances to try!). Temping is a bit less reliable because I haven't been sleeping well the last two weeks but it is what it is. I think the link on my page should still work if anyone out there wants to follow my chart. 

We plan to start next month - we were still preventing this month. I'm so excited!