Here are some of the things I'm doing to prepare myself and my body for another pregnancy:
When I went back to work I cut back breastfeeding my son (then 11 months) to twice a day, morning and night. My doctor told me to keep nursing him at least until winter and cold and flu season ended. Shortly after he turned 13 months I felt like he was becoming less interested and like I was producing very little milk. He would nurse for maybe 2 1/2 minutes on each side and be done. Then I ended up having to take antibiotics that are not okay when breastfeeding... So I made the decision to just quit nursing at the beginning of April. I always wanted to stop a little before getting pregnant again so I could have my body to myself, at least briefly, before giving up control again. It felt like the right decision, I shed a few tears and my son never asked for it again!
I've been taking prenatals since we were TTC#1.
I've cut way back on my evening wine. I'm having maybe one or two glasses per MONTH.
No more caffeinated coffee. Decaf and various herbal teas only.
Taking my iron supplements - I'm perpetually anemic.
Eating healthy! Drinking homo milk with my son (I can use the extra fat/calories).
And finally, charting!