Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Feeling great at 18 weeks 2 days

I want to give those of your who are are still feeling pretty rotten some hope that things should get better soon! Although I was fortunate and never vomited during the first trimester, I felt horrible all day, every day and was exhausted, sleeping whenever the nausea would calm down enough for me to relax a bit. The first couple weeks of the second trimester were better but I was still feeling unlike myself but since about 17 1/2 weeks I finally feel good again!

I have always struggled with anemia and figured that at 16w2d when I was still feeling more tired than I expected to feel once I made it into the second tri that my iron was probably a bit low, so I made sure my midwife did blood work to check on it. Sure enough I was right and started taking an iron supplement, in addition to my pre-natal vitamins, this week. My energy is finally improving.

As of 16w2d, I had gained 2 pounds since my 10 week checkup, up to 124lbs. I weighed myself on the weekend and was up another pound or 1 1/2 pounds as of 17w 6d. See below picture of how much baby has grown in 3 weeks, since 13w2d to 16w2d:

Isn't s/he adorable? I can't wait to kiss those cheeks and those little hands and feet! I can't wait to see him/her again at 19 weeks (next Monday!).

I am finally fairly confident that I can feel the baby moving. I have been feeling it since about 16 1/2 weeks but wasn't sure it was actually the baby. At first it felt almost like a muscle twitch in my uterus. Now it's more like little bubbles... although yesterday s/he must have done a total somersault or something because I felt it and it was stronger than usual, and then when I poked it with my fingers and rested my hand on my belly I could actually feel it from the outside! I think 18 weeks is early to be feeling it from the outside, but I read that if you're thin it's possible. I don't know, but I can't wait for those little nudges to get stronger so I have constant reassurance that s/he's doing well in there, and so that DH can feel it.

We are still set on keeping the gender a surprise but I might just go crazy waiting. DH jokes that it's going to be like the Lion King when s/he's finally born, he'll get to hold him/her up and announce it to the world. I have started pinning things I love for the nursery and will need to figure out how to make it gender neutral in such a way that I can then personalize it once the baby has arrived.

I also need to say that I am so lucky to have such a supportive hubby. My clothes are tight and uncomfortable (I haven't been to buy any maternity clothes yet!) and I still don't look pregnant, just a little round in the middle and every day he tells me I'm beautiful and loves all over my belly. I just feel so happy every day!!

1 comment:

  1. Feeling great, great, great!!! So glad all is progressing well and your starting to feel your bambino move, within no time it will be a kick or a punch, lol!
