Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10w 2d

I have not felt like posting at all lately, thus why I haven't. My blog ladies who all got their BFP's within a few weeks of mine have slowed down considerably on the posts as well, so I don't feel so bad about it! That said, I hope that all is well with you ladies and your little peanuts!

I am surviving over here. I still get waves of nausea occasionally when I least expect them and I am so, so tired. On the weekends I take full advantage of mid-afternoon naps. Once I lay down I am totally out for at least an hour, even with my family milling around and making dinner with me on the couch. I haven't been able to nap like this since I was a teenager playing a ton of sports and partying at nights haha.

Veggies still turn me right off. My beloved spinach makes me want to gag. The best way I can come up with to hide them in food is in home made veggie pizza smothered in cheese and in smoothies. I'm enjoying fruit though, so am eating berries, bananas, gala apples and cherries. The most veggies I think I've gotten is through virgin caesars! We also have some tomato plants that are producing a lot of fruit right now so I can eat those too. I haven't had any "weird" cravings but when I do crave something I cannot get it out of my head and must have it. For example, I had mashed potatoes for dinner one night. Just mashed potatoes. They were the best mashed potatoes I've ever made! (I jazzed them up by boiling the potatoes with onions, and mixing in butter, sour cream, cream cheese and a squeeze of mustard!). Yesterday, I had to have a poutine and a milkshake, knowing full well that I would feel like crap after because I ate dinner trying to satisfy my hunger and eliminate the craving but it didn't work, so then I also ate the poutine and the milkshake. Last week I survived mostly on soda crackers and sweettarts! I ate sweettarts until my mouth was swollen, my tongue was raw and it hurt. I could not stop. Rest assured that I am still taking my prenatal vitamin daily, and I think as long as you keep something down and take your vitamin, baby should have everything he/she needs to keep growing! here's hoping, because I haven't been pushing myself to eat anything that seems even remotely revolting.

Oh and pancakes with maple syrup. Wow. DH had to go get me pancake mix last weekend because I had to have them. I have eaten them another 3 times since and am now thinking I may make some for breakfast right after I finish this post!

Needless to say, I'm anxious to get back to regular eating habits because it sucks not enjoying food and worrying that I'm going to gain too much weight because all I can eat is candy and takeout.

No belly although I do feel more thick down there. I also don't hold the same posture I used to, I always used to flex my abs, now I don't because it feels gross (because of the nausea, bloating and I guess my expanding uterus) so I have a bit of a gut but I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm letting it all hang out. Okay, gut sounds gross, I don't really have a gut, I'm very fortunate and have skinny genes so it's not really a gut but, there's more hanging out front than I had previously.

Breasts have grown a little but I haven't had any really serious pain there, just some tenderness.

Must get pancakes. I'll post more updates this week so stay tuned for posts in my two appointments as well as our decision on a caregiver!

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