Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Still here, 7 weeks 1 day

I have been pretty quiet the last week, mostly because I feel like ‘blah’ and didn’t think anyone would want to read about that and a little because by the time I get home at night I can’t bear the thought of opening up my computer again. It was a long weekend in Canada this past weekend and I had to work 2 out of the 3 days which didn’t help matters. I’m probably a big baby, because I think I could be far worse off than I am, but I just feel like dirt. I am exhausted, getting pimples, bloated and usually nauseous. Sunday night we went out for Canada day and of course I wasn’t drinking but everyone else was, and yet I was the one with a “hangover” on Monday. So not fair! The nausea is really aggravating. I can feel great one minute and then the next I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to avoid throwing up all over the audit room table. Or I see/smell something (ie. chicken bones in the garbage) and suddenly I’m heaving in the lunchroom thanking my lucky stars that nobody else is around! I’ve been fairly lucky in the mornings, if I get up and eat some greek yogurt, kashi and berries before work, I feel pretty good until about 11:15am even though I bring fruit/berries to munch on all morning. Then I have lunch and once I convince myself to swallow it, I usually feel better until around 2:30 then the cycle starts again. I think part of my problem might be that I’m not eating the right things but I haven’t felt like doing groceries. DH has been assigned to that mission for tonight. I’ve also asked him to pick up some of those lifesavers mints which I love. When we were traveling in south America, whenever we felt nauseous we would suck on a few of those and they made a world of difference (they really were lifesavers!). I’m hoping they will work for this too. Needless to say that this is tough… I just feel all around ‘blah’ – that’s the best word I can find the describe it. If I could tell my managers at work it might be easier because they would cut me some slack (well… maybe, hopefully?) or I would TAKE some slack but that’s not an option yet.

On the other hand – I wouldn’t trade the nausea for the alternative. We announced the baby to my Mom this weekend and she is just beside herself with excitement – she said the minute she saw me she knew and wondered whether I would tell her right away or not (I’m not really sure how she could “tell” but my Mom knows me really well – she said she felt like I have a bit of a belly, but I think it may just have been the dress I had on and/or the bloating!) I made her promise not to tell anyone so when we went out for dinner and the topic of babies came up (repeatedly!!) she sat quietly, and then when we got home she did a happy dance in my hall saying she had been good all night and she had to let it out! It made both DH and I feel very excited and made us realize what a gift we’re being blessed with.

Besides the above, the only other symptom I have are larger breasts. Not much larger, but when I get up in the morning and step out of bed they feel heavy. I am really small chested so it’s such an unusual feeling for me. DH is calling me “jugs” which is hilarious because I am so far from it, but he can see/feel the difference too – finally bigger than a handful, lol.

I’m still very much looking forward to my appointment on July 18. I can hardly wait, my patience dwindles with each passing day. I’m hoping by then the nausea will start to subside so that I feel good for our trip at the end of the month… fingers crossed!! If not I may ask them to prescribe me some anti-nausea stuff to get me through because it would be such a waste to feel sick in London and Paris!


  1. Hope you find something that works for your nausea before you go away. Look forward to hearing about your appointment.

  2. My Dr prescribes meds called Zofran, that's my sister in law takes and she is pregnant, Idk if they have it in Canada but worth a shot! I love that your mom "just knew" I think that's great! I am really happy that you get to give her a grandbaby!!! Such a great thing! Glad to hear all is well! :)
