Sunday, May 11, 2014

Choosing your baby's gender

The honest truth is that I always pictured us having two little girls. I think it's because I have a sister and I have such a wonderful relationship with my Mom that I hoped to have that with my kids too. Then I had a boy. A beautiful, healthy, hilarious, engaging, happy, loving, sweet, smart little man. Sometimes I'm still surprised that he's a he, but my goodness, I'm so in love he could have two heads and he'd be perfect to me... For me... For us. Having said that, in looking forward towards ttc#2, I'm infatuated with getting my girl. Now please don't get me wrong. I am not a stupid person, I have a biology background, I understand how these things work and that it's really out of my control. And further to that, if we get another male baby, I will love that boy with every inch of my being. But I can't help but think about it. So... I'm curious, if anyone happens upon this little journal of mine...

- would you ever consider trying to tip the odds in favor of conceiving one gender over another?
- do you have any suggestions for ttc a girl?
- is it selfish of me to even think about this? 

I feel guilty just considering it. Guilty because if I have a boy, I would never want him to feel like he wasn't wanted. Guilty because what if my son would rather have a brother? Guilty because some women would give their left arm just to have a baby of their own and here I am obsessing over how to have a girl. 

I'm also still worried that I won't even be able to have another healthy pregnancy. I thought after being through it once that I would have peace of mind that at least I CAN get pregnant... But, can I still get pregnant? 

I'm an over-thinker, if you couldn't already tell. I should probably just throw caution to the wind, along with my thermometer, and let things happen. But I also don't want to regret not trying. 

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