Thursday, May 8, 2014

Friday Flashback - Babymoon!

I was remiss in documenting the end of my first pregnancy and my son's birth and there are some pieces that I would like to have written down before I forget them altogether. So, I've decided to do a series of flashback Friday posts. These likely won't be incredibly detailed stories or emotionally supercharged because they haven't been written in the moment... but I'll be happy to have them written down regardless. Here goes...

The babymoon! This was one of the best decisions we ever made. Work was rough and getting worse (approaching busy season and working stupid hours), and my husband pushed me to take a few days off. A family member has a rental condo in Medeira beach and it was, by chance, available when we were looking to go away so they graciously offered it up to us for free. We flew one night after work and arrived in the early hours of the morning. I was exhausted but when we opened the windows in the condo and climbed into bed listening to the waves crash on the beach it was a little slice of heaven. We woke up to sunny skies and beach for miles and miles. We spent most of our time there sitting on the balcony chatting, listening to music, reading, snacking and walking the beach. It was wonderful and we savored the quiet time we got to spend together, just the two us, as we daydreamed about what it would be like the next time we visited a beach with a new member of our family. 

I still look back on this vacation and remember how I felt. Mostly just completely in love - with my husband and the little life inside of me, and the life we are building together - and happy! 

I will also never forget how badly I needed to pee all. the. frikken. time!! When we got to the furthest part of our walk on the beach - I'd need to pee. In the car on the way to the grocery store? Yep, I needed to pee. Waiting in line at the airport? Still needed to pee. Sadly, peeing didn't seem to offer much relief. I would feel better but it never lasted long. I think the baby was down so low that he was totally squishing my poor bladder. 

Finally, everywhere we went I had people announcing "well, that's a boy!" (Literally they wouldn't even say it TO me they would walk by and utter it under their breath!). So weird, who does that??

I got my baby bag while we were there - it was the only thing I bought since buying clothes isn't really a good idea at 7 mos pregnant. Kate Spade! I chose it because we had our stroller handed down and it's storage is crap so I needed a bag that could easily hook onto the stroller. These bags have clips built in that easily snap onto the handlebars. It has a couple outside pockets and lots of pockets on the inside including a zippered pocket that I use for my stuff (wallet, etc.). Highly recommend!

So, if/when I get pregnant again, I will be making sure we get another babymoon. It might even be the first time we leave our little one because it might be nice to get away with my husband, alone, again!

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