Monday, June 25, 2012

6 weeks and eating ALL the time

Right on time according to my doctor, I started getting pregnancy symptoms, finally. They're not drastic, but last night looked like this:

Went to bed at 1am (was trying to finish some work so Monday would be easier), laid down on my stomach and realized it was uncomfortable because my bbs hurt. Rolled onto my back and felt a bit congested (PG symptom or new allergies, no idea?), got another pillow to prop myself up and the congestion got better but I was starving because it was now 1:30am and I hadn't eaten since about 7pm. Started feeling nauseous because my stomach was empty. Decided I wouldn't fall asleep unless I fed myself something, got up out of bed, ate some crackers and drank some water and went back to bed.

Starting late last week and through the weekend, if I am hungry I start burping uncontrollably. I googled this and it seems I am not alone with this one and frankly am probably lucky that the gas is only coming out one end at this point! I'm not necessarily nauseous or sick to my stomach but I definitely don't feel great. As soon as I eat something, I'm fine. Unfortunately, I am craving junk food. The thought of spinach makes my stomach turn and I usually love spinach. The only vegetable I even consider eating is broccoli and only if it's smothered in cheese sauce. Friday night we ate Macdonald's *gasp*. I am so over Macdonald's, or rather, was. Last time I had a sausage McMuffin all I could taste was how unhealthy and greasy it was and swore I wouldn't eat there anymore. Now? Oh my goodness it is just so delicious. Flurry for dessert? Yes, please.

I now know why some pregnant ladies gain way too much weight - because if you stop eating you feel like crap and veggies are gross. I'm trying to stick to healthier "snacks" but they still wouldn't have been my first choice a couple weeks ago - lots of fibre one bars, nuts, Costco trail mix (it has M&M's in it!). Oh and raspberries, thankfully they're not bad for you. Raspberries have always been my favorite, but now, they are better than candy.

Hubs thinks this is all hilarious. It's barely lunch time and he just asked me what "course" I am on (fyi - I am on course #3 - 1-bagel & cream cheese (I had eliminated these from my diet too and they have made a return with a vengeance), 2-a fibre one bar and then 3-two handfuls of trail mix... oh and a glass of chocolate almond milk). I'm sure it's more humorous when you're not the one awake in the middle of the night eating stale crackers.  =P


  1. I just finished eating a Wendys Asiago Ranch Chicken Club meal, lol. I haven't been eating much lately though so I was happy to eat it. For the last 4-5 days I have been trying to eat healthy, but can only keep down Mr. Noddles, and crackers. But today at work, I had a sudden craving for fattening food so I picked some up on my way home. I also can see how pregnant ladies can easily gain weight. Trail mix sounds like a good idea though, I will have to try that.

  2. The first few weeks of morning sickness last time consisted of potato and grease. Wedges were awesome. I ate a lot of them. Don't think I ate what I took to work for ages! Then quite suddenly I wasn't interested in potato and grease was disgusting. But then again, everything had this weird aftertaste so I would double think everything that went into my mouth. The only thing I could eat was blueberries. LOL! Yeah, so I put on a lot of fat weight during my first trimester. Reality is that we only need about 100 cals extra per day. That's like a single banana. Becomes a bit more as pregnancy progresses but that's why there is the blow up factor a lot.

    Trail mix is good cause of the nuts. Aim for stuff with a bit of fat or high protein content. Will keep you satiated for longer. If you're not adverse to tuna, you'd be amazed how good a tin of that stuff is just to keep the hunger away. :-)

  3. I've already gained almost 3lbs in this pregnancy, I'm sure the McDonald's breakfast sandwhichs twice this week didn't help that, but I am righ there with with - It just tastes SOOO GOOD! :) I am currently craving anything bitter like pickles or mustard. But I am trying to drink water and juice and eat fresh fruit/veggies as much as possible, but the "junk" is what makes my mouth salivate - haha.
