Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome to week 5

First off - I want to thank whoever decided to count from the time of your last period to determine the # of weeks pregnant you are. Going from zero to 4 immediately and now to 5 is awesome!! It makes me feel so much closer to the "safe zone". Sometimes I need to give my head and check so I remember I'm only 3 weeks past conception and it's just a wee seed in there!

So far, I've felt awesome besides some minor hormonal episodes where I'm crying my eyes out. I haven't felt sick, I'm sleeping a bit better now (there was a series of about 4 days where I got no sleep at all) and my bbs are not at all tender. It is sort of freaking me out that I don't feel pregnant but DH says that it must be that my body is well-nourished and has everything it needs to operate optimally and therefore isn't making me feel sick because in fact it is doing well. I love his optimism and am holding on to that! Sometimes I try to convince myself that I'm tired because I'm pregnant, but I think the reality is that I'm tired because I'm working too many hours a day and not going to bed early enough and then getting up too early in the mornings to work more.

I already feel attached to my little peanut in there. I catch myself apologizing to him/her when I feel more stressed than usual. When does the safe time start? After the first trimester? 8 more weeks? geez. So far so good. Make yourself comfy in there little one!!

I've signed up for all the newsletters and wish there was more to read each day because it is enthralling. I'm not going to reiterate that my baby (embryo?) is the size of an apple seed today (or compare it to food every single week until February) despite how neat it is to have something to equate the size to. However I will say that I'm blown away that the heart starts beating this week. That is absolutely beyond crazy to me and I would do anything to see it right now.

I also got some good news today. My doctor referred me to a family doctor in the hospital I think (I haven't done a whole lot of research yet to be certain) I will want to deliver at AND I looked her up online and she is rated very well (4.6/5 - pretty good!). I called to try to make an appoitment today and the office was already closed but I am going to call again in the morning. I'm hoping I'll get to go in around 8 weeks which is still a whole only 3 weeks away! Keep your fingers crossed that I'll get in to see her that soon!


  1. Oh your dh is so sweet and supportive.
    Stoked for you that things sound like that going so well!
    Will look forward to hearing tomorrow when you get an appointment for! (I'll try keep my fingers crossed for you =P)

  2. The lack of preggo symptoms is actually quite common. You may find there isn't much going on until you hit about the six week mark when your little bean starts to hook into your circulation. It kicks up the level of progesterone and that is when morning sickness etc. tends to appear.

    I know with my first I only really had sore boobs until the morning sickness kicked in and even then, occasionally they would disappear for a good 24 hours. I think the second time around the body is just a bit more sensitive to the chages...

    So this family doctor person is that code for an OB??

    1. Hmm... Did not realize that I forgot to write a post about my appointment with my family doctor. I will do that tomorrow - it will help explain this family doctor business!!

      Thanks re: my being symptomless. My doctor said I will feel it starting at 6 weeks too. I guess I'll find out in a week!

  3. I think the "safe zone" is between 12 weeks and 14 weeks - so just a few more to go! That's what I keep telling myself. Just take each day at a time and enjoy this journey! I have started a "Letters to Baby H" Blog that I hope to show this baby when he or she grows up. Its a blog that allows me to write things to the baby, mostly so I don't forget! :) Can't wait to hear about your Dr. I got to my first appt in 8 days!!

    1. Do you get to do an ultra sound to date your pregnancy? so jealous!!
