Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Starting the TWW... patience.

Patience is not one of my strong points. In fact, I would say it’s been one of my weaknesses for my entire life. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is – sitting in traffic, waiting for a test result or an upcoming vacation or for my husband who is parked behind me when I need to leave for work in the morning – I am always impatient. I am working on it. I am worried mother nature is going to teach me a lesson in patience with TTC. Knowing this, I am trying to figure out what I can do to keep myself occupied so I don’t end up obsessing over every little twinge or blowing hard earned money on HPT after HPT way before it could ever detect anything. It’s one of the reasons why I started this blog and why I am reading other people’s blogs. Usually I would throw myself into working on our home but it’s just not responsible to paint knowing that I could potentially be PG (this is a good reminder for me to look into no-VOC paint options). While work keeps me busy, it is stressful and can be incredibly frustrating and I am trying to be more balanced in life and work. So, here is my plan for the next two weeks:
  • Visit my best friend who lives a few hours outside of the city – this might backfire on me because she is PG so inevitably it will be the main topic of discussion, but I am thrilled for her and miss her like crazy… so either way it will be a great day.
  • Find a new series to read. I finished the Hunger Games and saw the movie a couple of weeks ago. I also read 50 shades of grey which wasn’t in the usual genre of books I would read (they weren’t kidding when they said it was lady porn). I just downloaded the kindle app on my iPhone and am loving it! It’s awesome to not have to lug around a heavy book but still have my latest reading material right at my fingertips all the time. It’s also great for bedtime. My husband falls asleep quickly but sometimes I’m having a hard time putting down my book, so this is great because I don’t have to turn on any lights. Any good book recommendations? The one I have been eyeing is Taking Charge of Your Fertility, but I’d really rather start something non-pregnancy related.
  • Get outside! I think (hope?!) spring is finally here to stay. We live in a lovely neighborhood so I am going to try to make an effort to get outside and walk more often.  
  • Try some new healthy recipes. When we started focusing on eating healthy I found some great recipes online and was trying new things every week but have run out of steam lately. Time to pick this up where I left off!
I guess the other thing is to try to keep up with this blog! My goal is to post at least every other day. I have been at it for all of 4 entire days now and it is very therapeutic. I apologize for some of the rambling but it is awesome to be able to share my thoughts and concerns on here and get some feedback, even if very few people have even found my blog! Also, I want to say that I read blogs for 3 years without ever commenting... not even once. If you're here, please don't be shy! I would love any feedback you have, good or bad, and to learn from your experiences too!

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